Everything You Need To Know About Bone Grafting | Kirkland Premier Dentistry
All About Bone Grafting in Kirkland

Everything You Need To Know About Bone Grafting

January 31, 2023

Dental bone grafting is an oral surgery procedure aimed at increasing bone volume and strength where there is bone loss or where additional support is needed.

Bone grafting for the jawbone helps to preserve oral health and function as it prevents jawbone deterioration. This also improves your chances of getting implants and other dental procedures successfully.

Bone graft material is used to provide the body with a scaffold around which new bone tissue can form and grow.

When is Bone Grafting necessary?

Bone grafting for jawbone at a dentist’s office is a minor procedure and it is performed on an outpatient basis. It is done to counteract the bone loss in the jaw, especially when it is affecting other teeth or for strengthening the jaw for dental implants.

This can be needed in the following cases:

  • Bone grafting after extraction or tooth loss will prevent jawbone deterioration
  • It can be used to fortify weak jaw bone before a dental implant
  • It can be used to rebuild the jaw before getting dentures
  • It may be used to provide support when there is bone loss due to periodontal disease
  • It also has a place in cosmetic dentistry where jawbone loss causes changes in appearance

Types of bone grafting

These are the main types of bone grafting oral surgery procedures

  1. Socket Preservation- This is used to fill the gap immediately after tooth extraction by placing the graft in the socket.
  2. Ridge Augmentation- Is used for a thinning jawbone which is a result of not replacing the missing teeth. It is done to add volume and width for supporting restorative procedures like dental implants.
  3. Sinus Lift- When there is bone loss near the upper molars and the maxillary sinuses have moved down, this procedure, using lifting and bone graft, can push back the sinuses and improve jawbone strength.
  4. Sinus Lift- When there is bone loss near the upper molars and the maxillary sinuses have moved down, this procedure, using lifting and bone graft, can push back the sinuses and improve jawbone strength.

Where do Bone Grafts come from?

Bone grafts are now processed to be highly safe with extremely low chances of rejection.

These can come from different sources and are named accordingly.

  1. Autografts- Bone is taken from the patient’s own body generally from the back of the jawbone or from the hip
  2. Allografts- Bone for grafting is taken from another human via tissue banks
  3. Xenografts- The bone comes from an animal like a cow, pig, or from coral
  4. Alloplasts– A synthetic material like calcium phosphate or calcium sodium phosphosilicate is used for the graft

For rapid healing, your dentist may use PRP (platelet-rich plasma) from your blood.

How is Bone Grafting done?

At our clinic in Kirkland, bone grafting will be a pain-free and comfortable experience for you. When the bone graft is not harvested from your body, the procedure becomes minimally invasive.


A thorough assessment, which includes X-rays, scans, and oral examination, is carried out. This is followed by creating a personalized treatment plan.

Bone Grafting Surgery

A local anesthetic is used to numb the area. Other types of anesthesia or sedation can also be used if needed to make the patient comfortable. The dentist makes a small incision in your gums and moves the tissue back to expose the jawbone.

The area is then thoroughly disinfected and cleaned. Appropriate bone grafting material is then placed. It is secured to the bone using a dissolvable adhesive substance/screws/membrane. The incision is closed.


The discomfort is similar to that after any minor surgical procedure and is easily manageable. Over-the-counter painkillers and/or ice packs will decrease pain and swelling.

Swelling and pain minimize within two days, generally going away in two weeks. You may be given antibiotics as well. If you see any grain-like particles coming out of the area, don’t be alarmed as it is normal for small bone fragments to come out.

You will be asked to take a modified diet for a few days, which can be liquid or semi-liquid, or a soft diet depending upon the procedure. This is done to avoid displacing the graft.

You should also avoid forceful blowing of the nose, violent sneezing, and direct impact on the site. You will have to sleep with your head elevated a little to avoid the pooling of blood.

Don’t miss your appointments

Is Bone Grafting necessary for Dental Procedures?

Bone grafts may not be necessary for all patients. It is only when you don’t have enough jawbone to support implants/dentures or have a deteriorating jawbone impacting other teeth that this procedure becomes a necessity.

Get an appointment with our experts at Kirkland Premier Dentistry to know if you need bone grafting or not. It is ultimately a dentist who can determine the need for this procedure after a thorough assessment.

How long is the Dental Bone Grafting healing period?

You will begin to feel normal in one to two weeks. General healing period varies from 4 to 9 months. The healing response is also determined by your body’s capacity, general health condition, the type and extent of the procedure. Most people heal within a year.

How much does Bone Grafting Cost?

The cost of dental bone graft is affected by a number of factors. Dental bone grafting is an outpatient procedure that is not very expensive. Some portion of this surgery may be covered by insurance if the procedure is considered medically necessary. 

These are the factors that affect the price of dental bone grafting:

  • Material used- Autografts are costlier than other grafts, as multiple surgical procedures are involved. Other types of grafts are cheaper.
  • The type of grafting procedure (Sinus Lift/Ridge Augmentation/Socket Preservation/Periodontal) also impacts the cost.
  • As this procedure should be done by an experienced and skilled dentist, the level of expertise will also affect the overall cost.

Also Read: Sinus Lift Surgery: Why You May Need It?

If you are looking for a bone grafting specialist near you, get an appointment now 👇

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