Best Foods to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal From Day 1 to 5
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Things To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal: A Guide For Faster Recovery

March 26, 2024

Wisdom tooth removal is done to address problematic third molars, and it is a common oral surgery procedure. The procedure is generally simple and recovery also tends to be uneventful. But eating the right type of foods is important to provide nutrition while also being comfortable and non-irritating. There may be some discomfort during the recovery period, and non-irritating soft foods will minimize complications.

Your dentist will likely recommend a soft food diet for the first few days after getting a wisdom tooth extracted. This will allow the extraction site to heal without complications while also preventing the clot at the recovery site from dislodging. Fortunately, a soft food diet post a tooth extraction doesn’t have to be bland. It can still be nutritious, yummy, and satisfying.

This blog will help you navigate the different phases of recovery by providing you with some amazing food ideas and also the precautions you need to take as well as the things to avoid eating after wisdom tooth removal. Delve in!

Importance of Diet After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom tooth extraction is done when the third molar is problematic. It may be impacted, growing in the wrong direction, having decay due to difficulty in cleaning, may be causing overcrowding, etc. An experienced dentist will extract your wisdom tooth without any complications. After this procedure, you have to pay attention to what you eat.

You should know what not to eat after wisdom tooth removal to avoid complications and the best things to eat after wisdom tooth removal to speed up recovery. Your diet needs to be nutritious to provide you with nutrients which will help you heal faster. It should not disturb the healing process. It has to be comforting for you as food plays a psychological role as well. 

This guide will help you have enough food options to plan healthy meals after wisdom tooth extraction. You will be able to stock your home beforehand with a variety of liquid and soft foods according to your preferences. As you will be fasting for some period, based on your dentist’s advice, you will be hungry after the procedure. Keep your options ready, but follow your dentist’s advice to avoid disturbing the surgical site. 

Also Read: – Signs Of Wisdom Teeth Coming In

Best Things To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal From Day 1 to Day 5

For the first 24 hours, stick to a liquid diet because liquids are easy to digest, and the body can spend energy on healing rather than digesting. More importantly, the movement caused by chewing can dislodge the blood clot and can also irritate the wound at the extraction site. A liquid diet will prevent this.

Do not use a straw for drinking liquids for at least 48 hours(some dentists may advise longer), as drinking from a straw creates a suction vacuum, which has the potential to dislodge the blood clot. This blood clot, which will still be forming, plugs the wound, and it is essential for healing. 

Some liquids you can have after wisdom teeth extraction are:

  • Vegetable broth
  • Chicken broth
  • Pureed soups without seeds
  • Pureed lentil soup
  • Smoothies
  • Milkshakes
  • Greek yoghurt
  • Curd
  • Sherbet
  • Runny puddings
  • Runny custard
  • Fresh homemade juices 
  • Protein shakes

Soft Things To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal 

Patients can switch to a soft food diet after the first 24 hours if everything has gone normally without complications. You will continue to eat soft foods for a few days after the extraction. 

You can have mashed and pureed vegetables or other foods which do not require chewing for the next few days. You will still be able to enjoy the texture and feel satiety. The foods you eat must be nutritious because vitamins and minerals will help you with wound healing. At the same time, avoiding pressure from chewing will prevent the extraction site from being disturbed.

It would help if you tried to blend or mash food at home. You should avoid blending fruits with small seeds because these seeds may not be crushed and blended. These can get stuck in the wound. 

Soft and easy things to eat after wisdom teeth removal include:

  • Pureed seedless fruits
  • Thick soups and broths
  • Well cooked oatmeal
  • Applesauce
  • Homemade puddings
  • Mashed avocado
  • Jelly
  • Mashed bananas
  • Mashed beans
  • Mashed sweet potatoes
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Soft cheeses
  • Yoghurt
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Soft cooked pasta
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Pureed vegetables

You can eat cold foods after tooth extraction because they can soothe tender and swollen gums while allowing you to indulge a little. Some healthy and cold things to eat after wisdom teeth removal include:

  • Frozen yogurt
  • Ice creams
  • Cold soups
  • Smoothies
  • Chilled yoghurt or curd
  • Cold milk or vegan puddings
  • Chilled berries 

Things to Avoid Eating After Wisdom Teeth Removal 

You will have to avoid certain foods for some time after wisdom tooth extraction. The worst things to eat after wisdom teeth removal are those which can:

  • Dislodge the blood clot from the extraction site. This clot is crucial to healing and it also prevents infection at the extraction site. Hard, crunchy, sharp, or sticky foods can irritate the extraction site and dislodge the clot. This will slow down the healing process, cause discomfort and pain, and it will also increase the risk of infection.
  • Cause irritation and pain at the extraction site and around it. Foods which can cause pain and discomfort include spicy foods, very hot foods, acidic foods, and alcoholic beverages.
  • Get stuck in the wound from where the wisdom tooth was extracted. Foods like fruits with small seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables which are not cooked properly, and certain seasonings can get lodged in the extraction site. These can be difficult to remove, and removing them may dislodge the clot. If they remain stuck, they can cause inflammation and also increase the risk of infection.
  • Leads to chewing difficulty. As the mouth is healing, there will be some pain and stiffness which will make it difficult to chew. Tough foods, chewy foods, and foods not cooked properly will make it difficult to eat as they will have to be chewed. This can irritate the wound site while also having the potential to cause accidental cheek or tongue biting.
  • Interfere with the healing process. While all the above factors can interfere with the healing process, some foods have substances which can delay healing. Products with nicotine and tobacco can interfere with the healing process, and they can also increase the chances of infection at the extraction site.
  • Foods and drinks with high sugar can also interfere and delay healing after wisdom teeth extraction. This is because a high intake of sugar can promote bacterial growth, increasing the chances of infection. It also causes inflammation in the body. It also impacts the body’s ability to heal and fight infections which is detrimental to recovery after getting a wisdom tooth extraction. 

Foods to avoid after wisdom tooth extraction due to the above reasons include:

  • Popcorns
  • Lemon juice
  • Vinegar
  • Soft drinks
  • Spicy foods
  • Alcohol
  • Small grains like rice and quinoa
  • Nuts and seeds(you can have nut butter)
  • Fruits with small seeds like guavas, sapotas
  • Crackers
  • Chips
  • High-sugar foods and drinks
  • Chewy candies
  • Hot drinks 
  • Hot soups
  • Peppercorn or other spices which can get stuck or irritate the tender gums
  • Fizzy drinks 

These can help with recovery after wisdom teeth removal

It is important to note that recovery times vary for every person because everyone has a different response, which determines healing. It is generally seen that most people can eat normally after one or two weeks of getting a wisdom tooth extracted. For some others, it may take a little longer.

You will be advised some dos and don’ts, prescribed painkillers and antibiotics, and may be given a mouthwash by a dentist. Follow all the instructions. 

You can try to:

  • Take a day or two off from work to be able to rest and plan your week to help with recovery from wisdom tooth extraction.
  • Take painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines to help with pain and stiffness. Take medicines as instructed by your dentist. 
  • Use an ice pack externally on the cheek near the extraction site to help with pain and swelling. 
  • Avoid straws.
  • Stick to soft and non-irritating foods.


Now you know the best foods to eat after wisdom teeth removalProper nutrition will help in early and uncomplicated wound healing, reduce the risks of infection, minimize swelling, minimize pain, and keep you hydrated and nourished. 

Following these guidelines and sticking to the recommendations of your dentist will help you have a smooth and speedy recovery. Never push yourself hard and let the body recover at its own pace while you support it in doing so.

At Kirkland Premier Dentistry, we provide exceptional services for preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dental treatments. Reach out to us for any queries, get an appointment for your dental issues, or get an appointment to prevent dental issues. We will help you plan the right treatment for you and help you with what to eat and avoid after wisdom tooth removal. 

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