Dental Implants: Traditional Vs Mini | Kirkland Premier Dentistry
Dental Implants

Dental Implants: Traditional Vs Mini

April 11, 2022


A permanent tooth root replacement option that supports artificial teeth, Dental Implants are these days considered an alternative to conventional ways of fixing the problem of missing teeth.

Tooth Implants can help to restore one or several teeth and even hold removable dentures in place.

Made from titanium, a strong but lightweight metal, compatible with the human body, dental Implants do not provoke a reaction from the immune system.

Implants can help in stimulating bone growth as far as their role in dentistry is concerned.

A small titanium post is inserted into the bone socket of a missing tooth, and as the jaw heals from surgery, the bone fuses to the implants, turning them into stable “roots” that support the replacement teeth. 

Dental Implants help in restoring smile and self-esteem, allowing people to eat their favourite food.

They help to maintain the structural integrity of the jaw, providing a bite strength much stronger than conventional dentures.

Providing stability for the surrounding natural teeth, Implants can last for decades if they are taken care of properly.

What are Mini Dental Implants?

Traditional implants consist of two pieces with a diameter of 3.25 to 5 millimetres which are inserted into the bone socket of missing teeth with an external screw.

A smaller version of regular implants, Mini dental implants have the same but less intimidating structure as regular implants. 

Mini Dental Implants come in two parts: A tiny titanium rod, approximately the diameter of a toothpick with a small ball on the exposed end.

This provides an anchor for the elastic O-rings to attach so that the replacement tooth can ultimately be put into place.

Sufficient bone mass is a prerequisite for being an ideal candidate for regular dental implants.

Mini implants allow the patients to avoid the need for a bone graft, which can take up to six months to heal completely and may not always be successful.

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What is the Difference Between the Procedure of Regular Implants and Mini Implants?

The surgical procedure of both implants is similar. Incisions are made into the gums to expose the jawbone with the help of local anaesthesia.

The dentist then drills the bone to be able to place the implant, stitching the area closed and leaving a small area exposed above the gums.

Temporary teeth are provided while the area heals, to avoid any damage. The procedure time and healing period are reduced in mini dental implants due to the smaller size.

Usually, everything can be done in one day, allowing the patient to get finished with replacement teeth in a much shorter time.

Difference Between the Regular and Mini Implants

Though both regular implants and mini implants are options available to replace missing teeth, there are a few differences between the two:

  • A substantial bone mass is required for the regular implants for proper osseointegration to happen. Mini implants do not require as much bone mass or osseointegration. They can be used when one has experienced bone loss, or are at a risk for it, as an alternative option to dentures.
  • Being much smaller than regular implants, mini implants are an ideal option for fitting into smaller areas of the mouth or as stabilizers for dentures. Because of their small size, they can be used for small teeth. 
  • Abutments or screws as in regular implants are not used in Mini Implants. The teeth are instead secured in place, by elastic O-rings on a ball at the top of the implant.
  • Traditional dentures can be stabilized using Mini Implants. Generally, even a properly fitting denture can come loose, and slide around on the gums. Mini Implants can help to keep them securely in place. Providing an alternative to denture adhesives can help to avoid the dentures coming loose and causing both embarrassment and pain. 
  • The surgical procedure with Mini Implants is much less invasive due to their small size, reducing the downtime after surgery too.
  • The cost of Mini Implants is lesser than regular dental implants.
  • Regular dental implants provide more stability, and a much longer-term solution than the Mini Implants as a smaller implant may sometimes not prove not to be as strong or as durable, because of receiving lesser support from the jawbone as compared to a traditional implant.
  • Mini implants don’t last as long and may ultimately move around the gums, leading to embarrassment and pain. This happens as they don’t have anything holding them down tightly beyond the surrounding bone and gum tissue. However, regular implants guarantee more stability overall and last for several years because of their bigger size and construction.

Dr Gaurav Sharma at Kirkland Premier Dentistry suggests that though mini dental implants are still incredibly secure, and have their unique benefits if one is looking for the most durable and secure tooth replacement, traditional dental implants are still the best option. Book an online appointment now.

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