The Future of Dental Technology: What to Expect in the Next Five Years | Kirkland Premier Dentistry
Future of Dental Technology

The Future of Dental Technology: What to Expect in the Next Five Years

March 30, 2023


Dental care is an essential part of your overall well-being and the future of dental technology is promising. However, people usually try to avoid dental visits in the apprehension of pain and discomfort. More and more efforts are being made to make it a good experience for the patients as against the undesirable one it has been considered for years now. 

Latest technological advancement has made visits to the dentist quicker, easier, less painful, and more reliable. A greater emphasis on treatment and prevention is now being made which is making dental care a much more pleasant and welcoming experience in turn helping to reduce the risk of cavities and periodontal disease in patients.

In the not-so-distant future, these newer dental innovations will have a huge effect on how patients are treated by dental professionals and also make phenomenal changes and advancements in the oral hygiene routine of people.

Also Read:- How PIC System Can Help Your Implants Procedure At Kirkland Premier Dentistry

Future of Dental Technology

In this article, we will discuss how in the coming years these new dental technologies and trends will shape the future of dentistry.

 1. Regenerative Dentistry

A relatively new field, Regenerative Dentistry is aimed at producing biological therapies that allow damaged teeth to regenerate or self-healing. A dental filling that allows teeth to heal, has been developed by Researchers at Harvard University and the University of Nottingham. The stem cells are stimulated through the process, triggering the growth of dentin which helps the essential ‘regrowth’ of the damaged teeth.

Though the technologies are in the early stages of development, dental and medical visionaries are optimistic that regenerative dentistry will be part of the mainstream soon and will be one of the most sought-after treatments for patients all over the world, making it possible for dentists to provide their patients with tooth repair without invasive treatments. 

2. Augmented Reality (AR) Training

The technology that allows the real world to blend with a virtual environment, Augmented Reality is gaining popularity in many sectors. As far as Dentistry is concerned, Augmented Reality can allow dental students to actually practice procedures on a  “virtual mouth” in real-time. This can make surprising applications as far as their training is concerned. This can also facilitate immediate feedback to the students about how particular dental procedures need to be performed. 

The technology will give them a chance for hands-on training that’s much more precise and realistic as compared to the past.

AR will allow dentists to train in advanced technologies by being able to visualize a patient’s teeth virtually and practice all kinds of procedures without actually working on a patient.

3. Digital Workflows

The process of getting dentures made and fitted can take weeks and multiple visits to the dentist. 

The increasing transition to digital workflows and digitalization in dentistry, along with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) in the dental analysis of X-rays, Scans, and samples is being looked forward to by dental futurists. 

The procedures that used to take several weeks in the past are being speeded up by digital workflows and CAD/CAM technology changing the whole perception of the patients towards dental treatments as digitalization not only increases the efficiency of the dental professionals but also dynamically elevates the quality of patient care and accuracy of diagnosis. 

To sum it up, this will make it possible to merge the physical world with technology and help dentists to rely more on the technological side, automating some tasks that otherwise need a lot of manual work. 

Implementing digital workflows allows dentists to communicate with laboratory technicians and readily perform CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) rehabilitation, and improve intra-oral scanning. 

One example of the existing benefit of this technology is the dentists being able to apply a dental crown in a single visit thanks to CAD/CAM technology which allows the dentist to scan, shape, mold, and manufacture a custom crown in 3D right away, as opposed to many weeks taken by the dental lab. 

4. Teledentistry

Teledentistry brings to patients the convenience of readily accessible oral care through a virtual consultation with their dentist. No longer having to wait for the physical appointment, the patients will be able to get instant feedback after conversing with their dentist through a smartphone or webcam. 

Teledentistry software and application solutions in the future will enhance what is already readily available with more advanced technology as time goes by. Establishing a more regular line of communication will facilitate a stronger patient-dentist relationship in the coming future.

5. Advanced Intraoral Cameras

Dentists have long used mirrors to see inside patients’ mouths, which can be extremely inconvenient for both the patient and the doctor. However, the rapid advance in dental technology has come up with innovations like intraoral cameras, which allow dentists to examine patients’ teeth with much more clarity than possible with the mirror or naked eye. 

Doctors will be able to more conveniently see their patient’s teeth in greater detail with advanced versions of these cameras and this will also allow patients to avoid the discomfort and pain that comes with opening their mouths wide for a long period of examination. 

Dental innovations like these are all set to completely revolutionize the world of dentistry and the way oral health is perceived as doctors will be able to catch problems early and make and perform dental procedures more accurately and confidently.

A Word from Kirkland Premier Dentistry

World around us is constantly evolving and so is medical and dental science. Efforts are being made to make the diagnosis more accurate and precise and the treatments more efficient. At the same time, these innovations are expected to reduce the discomfort and pain that the patients experience drastically while saving valuable time.

Dr. Sheena Gaur and Dr. Gaurav Sharma at Kirkland Premier Dentistry explain that oral Health Care is going to undergo a phenomenal change in the coming few years. At Kirkland Premier Dentistry, we make sure to upgrade ourselves with the latest technology and devices to provide the maximum comfort to our patients.

Many new technologies will soon be a part of regular oral Health Care and we are making sure to incorporate them into our practice. 

Visit our website to learn more about the future of dental technology and book an appointment with our team today.

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