How to handle dental emergencies: Where to go, what to do and more | Kirkland Premier Dentistry
dental emergencies

How to handle dental emergencies: Where to go, what to do and more

January 7, 2023

Even though we wouldn’t like to think about it, dental emergencies are very common. This is why it is essential to know how to handle dental emergencies. There are plenty of everyday situations which may lead to dental emergencies so you should know a 24-hour emergency dentist.

In this article, we are going to take a look at the most common dental emergencies. This will help you to handle dental emergencies in a better way. You need to know what the most common dental emergencies are and how to handle them.


These are the most common dental emergencies


  • Toothache with swelling

Toothaches can be excruciatingly painful and should be treated as a dental emergency. Toothaches often leave you unable to do anything else. If you are having a toothache along with swelling, you may require an emergency dentist appointment because pain is not a good indicator. You are not advised to take painkillers without consulting your dentist. Instead, a cold compress is the only thing you can get for relief. Your nearest emergency dentist will treat you and will guide you to maintain oral hygiene and prevent such dental emergencies in the future.

  • Chipped or broken teeth

Broken or chipped teeth can cause a lot of pain. This may happen if you bite down on something very hard or get hit by something. If there is bleeding along with the chipped teeth, you should visit an emergency dentist immediately. Before you are able to reach the dentist, you can rinse your mouth with lukewarm water and put a piece of gauze to the site to control the bleeding. Then you can apply a cold compress to reduce the swelling and the pain.

If a part of your tooth is broken, you should not throw it away. If it is connected, you should gently try to keep it in place without any pressure. If it is separated, you should put it in a cup of milk or a cup of water with a little salt in it. You should take this along with you to your emergency dentist. Emergency dentists at Kirkland Premier Dentistry are the best experts known to handle dental emergencies.

  • Lost filling or crown

Crowns and fillings are commonly used to restore the functioning and appearance of your damaged teeth. It is not uncommon for these to break. If your crown is broken and lost, you should find a dental emergency clinic near you and get emergency dental care. While you are getting to the dentist, you can put a piece of sugar free chewing gum into the empty cavity. You should never try to fix this yourself. Apart from this, you can also put the broken piece into a clean zip lock bag so that you can take it to the dentist safely. Your emergency dentist will examine and reapply the piece or put in a new one.

  • Damaged or broken orthodontics

Dental braces are one of the most commonly used orthodontics in dentistry. Even though the metal wires of the braces are very tough, they are not invincible and can break. Broken dental braces can be dangerous since they can hurt your gums and mouth. This can also affect the progress of your teeth straightening and alignment. If the wires are sticking out, you can try to place the wire into a position where it doesn’t poke your cheeks or gums. If you can’t do this, you should try covering the exposed wire with a rolled ball of cotton or some gauze. You can also use orthodontic wax. Do not try to cut the wire because it may be dangerous.

  • Abscess

An infected tooth may easily lead to a dental emergency. Tooth infections can cause abscess in gums which are painful and dangerous. You can check for swollen and painful spots on your gums. These need to be treated right away. If you think you may have a tooth infection or abscess, you should immediately contact us at Kirkland Premier Dentistry. In such situations, you should already know where to go for dental emergencies.

  • Persisting bleeding and pain after extraction

Many patients experience post tooth extraction bleeding and pain but it should not linger. If it has been hours after your tooth extraction and you are still experiencing abnormal pain and bleeding, you should call your emergency dentist. To control the bleeding in the meanwhile, you should put a gauze pad over the site and bite down on it to put some pressure on it. Do not eat or rinse until you get to your emergency dentist.


How to prevent dental emergencies?


  • Make sure you use protective gear

If you are into impact sports or any activities where you might get hit on your face, you should always wear a mouthguard. Any flying objects or gear may hit you while on the field so it is essential that you have your mouthguard to protect your teeth from accidents.

  • Eat carefully

We know that our teeth are hard and strong. However, you won’t believe how easily our teeth can get chipped or cracked in certain situations. Many people break their teeth while chewing on hard candy or while chewing tough meats. To make sure that this doesn’t happen with you, you should think before biting down on anything tough or hard.

  • Don’t chew things that aren’t food

It is common for people to develop habits where they keep chewing on plastic or other objects. Biting nails and chewing pen caps is pretty common too. Not only is this hazardous for your overall health, it may crack or chip your teeth. You may need to take an emergency dentist appointment in such situations.

Tragedy doesn’t come knocking, so if you are looking for an after-hours emergency dentist or emergency dentist on a weekend, you should reach out to us at Kirkland Premier Dentistry.


FAQs about dental emergencies


  • How much do emergency dentists cost?

A visit to the emergency dentist may cost you according to the kind of dental emergency you have. The costs also depend on the area that you are living in. If your area has a high cost of living, it will directly translate to a higher cost at the dentist. Apart from this, the location of the teeth in your mouth also decides the cost of treatment. Generally, front teeth are less expensive to get treated. If we talk about tooth extractions, the type of extraction decides the cost. The type of procedure and anesthesia also decides the cost. So, it can be said that the cost is totally dependent on the type of emergency.

  • Cost of visiting an emergency dentist without insurance?

Visiting an emergency dentist without insurance can be very costly. The cost of your dental emergency may depend on the type and severity of the emergency. If you are getting an emergency RCT, the cost will depend on the location of the teeth. Front teeth may cost between $700-$900 while the molars may cost between $1000-$1200. If you are visiting for an emergency tooth extraction, you will be charged between $75-$300 if local anesthesia is used. If you need to be anesthetized for the process, you will be charged between $200-$600.

Emergency fillings due to a minimally cracked tooth may cost between $100-$250. Crowns are often more expensive and may cost between $1200-$1400.

It is always a good idea to check with your emergency dentist for the estimated cost of treating dental emergencies if you don’t have dental insurance.  If you don’t have dental insurance and want to inquire about the cost, you can contact us.

  • What are the four common dental emergencies?

Four most common dental emergencies are toothache with swelling, tooth infection, broken teeth, and broken orthodontics. There are several types of dental emergencies with different degrees of severity. Dental emergencies can occur anytime so you should know about a 24-hour emergency dentistry service. You can call us at Kirkland Premier Dentistry to make an inquiry about our services.

  • What to do if my tooth is in extreme pain?

If your tooth is in extreme pain, you should call us at Kirkland Premier Dentistry and book an appointment with a Kirkland emergency dentist. Our dental experts will examine you and treat you according to your symptoms and diagnosis.


What is considered as a dental emergency?

These are the situations which can commonly be considered as dental emergencies

  • Knocked out or broken teeth
  • A tooth is infected and bleeding
  • Severe toothache with swelling
  • Accidental trauma to the mouth 
  • Dental abscess
  • Lost tooth filling or crown
  • Broken/damaged braces or orthodontics

You should treat all of the above situations as a dental emergency and should contact your emergency dentist without delay. If you don’t know an emergency dentist near you, you can contact us at Kirkland Premier dentistry.



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