The Benefits of iTero Scanning | Kirkland Premier Dentistry
Itero Scanning

The Benefits of iTero Scanning

August 10, 2021

Dental practices have been developed over the years with multifunctional use of equipment and extensive use of technology.

iTero Scanning is one such technology that has revolutionized how dentists, orthodontics, and dentofacial orthopedics systematically use it to produce accurate and concrete results for their patients, in no time.


What is iTero Scanning?

Introduced in 2007, it is a newfound technology for dental practitioners. Its evolution has marked concise precision in diagnosis, dental practice, and surgery. It is widely known for its safety and accuracy. 

iTero Scanning involves the digital capture of teeth and gum structure with the aid of the latest technology. 

iTero Scanner is in fact a small hand-held device, which can be used easily to scan the whole mouth and is being effectively used by many dental surgeons, and orthodontists around the world. 

It is quite time-saving as it takes only about 10-15 minutes to get the full scan.

This scanning process is now available in 3-Dimensional Technology (3D) and 5-Dimensional Technology (5D). The latter was just approved last year by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  

It effectively determines the best possible course for dental treatment of the patients and makes it easier for dental physicians to diagnose correctly and offer a concrete consultation.

iTero scanners are a structure with a wand that the dentist uses to scan the entire region of the patient’s mouth. The newer ones are more sophisticated, making it easier for the patient to not gag or feel a choking sensation.

These scanners ensure that the scanned images are captured more quickly and results are produced more accurately. 

It eventually saves time for both the patient and the doctor, along with providing immaculate services. Since this is radiation-free, it is also safe for pregnant women.

Also Read: Cavity and Dental Decay

Real-Time Benefits

iTero scanning has multiple benefits for its patients.

  • It gives an accurate diagnosis of your oral health.
  • It is a time-saving and safe process.
  • Enables you to see your digital dental images.
  • Immediate feedback.
  • No external substance is required to scan, unlike previous technologies.
  • Ability to scan up to the back of your mouth which was difficult to reach earlier with old technologies.
  • Accurate models are created for restorative work.

Way Beyond Traditional Technology

Till now, technology depended largely on polyvinylsiloxane (PVS) also known as polyether was used to create the impression of one’s tooth for restorative work. 

iTero scanning technology is a welcome and novel addition, which has proved to be more superior, time-saving, and accurate. 

Global data suggests that iTero scanning has already produced over 2.7 million orthodontic scans. At par with industry standards for intraoral scanning, it gives extensively detailed scans.

Act Now!

Our orthodontists at Kirkland vouch for the efficacy of the iTero scanner and have been using it successfully. 

Dr. Sheena Gaur advises that the patients should make the most of this highly effective technology, as they plan to start their treatment for perfect oral health. 

These scanners also provide real-time simulations and make it convenient for both doctor and patient. 

Gentle, accurate, and safe, iTero scanners are a wonderful tool in your journey towards perfect oral health and that coveted irradiant smile.

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