What to Eat After a Dental Implant Surgery | Kirkland Premier Dentistry
Foods to eat After Dental Implant Surgery

What to Eat After a Dental Implant Surgery

January 27, 2022

Dental Implants are the only long-term treatment that enables one to speak, eat, and smile the same way as with a full set of natural teeth.

They give you the flexibility to chew all kinds of foods once they are fully healed and incorporated with the jawbone, but it is important that a few kinds of food are avoided for the first few weeks.

Sticking to the following diet recommendations for a good recovery is very important.

  1. One must avoid any foods that may physically disrupt the implant or cause distortion and discomfort.
  1. The most vital thing at this point is comfort. Eating should not cause pain to the patient. Chewing food should be avoided until tongue sensation has returned.
  1. Remember to not skip any meals as the body needs nutrition to gain strength, heal better and faster. 
  1. It is advisable to start from soft and liquid food and gradually switch to solids over a few days. Though it is advised to stick to only liquids or pureed foods like ice cream, soups, yogurt, milkshakes, etc for the first few days, it is not essentially a requirement.
  1. Do remember that staying hydrated is vital. Drinking plenty of fluids on the day of surgery and avoiding hot liquids or hot food which promotes bleeding and swelling is advisable.
  1. Avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking.

Foods to Avoid

To prevent any damage to your implant which might set your treatment back, avoid the following foods for at least two weeks after the implant surgery:

  • Tough foods such as steak, fruits and raw vegetables.
  • Crunchy foods such as popcorn, nuts and chips.
  • Sticky foods such as caramel and candies.
  • Chewy foods, such as gummies and bagels.
  • Spicy foods such as hot peppers, sauces and salsa.
  • Acidic foods such as oranges and tomatoes.
  • Very hot foods and liquids such as coffee, broth and soups.

The Day After Dental Implant Surgery

After the implant is placed, the teeth and jaw are in a very delicate state.

It makes it essential to stick to a soft-food diet for the first 24 hours after surgery.

Eat cold foods that do not need any chewing but are packed with nutrients.

Here are a few suggestions about what you can eat the next day:


Quite filling and nutritious, Smoothies can easily pack essential vitamins to restore energy to the body.

Moreover, smoothies do not need any chewing, which makes them a great meal option after surgery.


Though biting into an apple at this point of your treatment is not possible, applesauce can give most of the same nutrients without harming your implant.

Cold Soups

Though Hot soups are strictly avoidable, one can enjoy cold soups such as gazpacho.

Remember it is particularly important to avoid using a straw when consuming liquids. The suction force of the straw puts pressure on the implant and can interfere with the healing process. 

Also Read: Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

What to Eat in the Weeks After Implant Surgery

The first three months are the time for healing the dental implant. It is recommended that one follows a soft-food diet during this period.

The dental implants will integrate with the jawbone during this time, and you might be wearing a temporary prosthesis, which is not adept to chew crunchy or hard foods.

One must choose meals rich in protein and other vital nutrients to speed up the recovery. Some of the easy-to-chew recommended foods include:


Easy to chew and filled with protein, eggs make a good choice after implants. Mixing them with vegetables to make an omelet can provide a well-balanced meal.


A very versatile food potatoes can be prepared in many ways without losing their softness.

Chicken, Fish and Ground Beef

The meat-eaters can slowly introduce it back into their diet. Add softer meats like chicken, fish, and ground beef, finely chopped into salads, pasta, and more for a tasty meal.


Loaded with protein and calcium dairy products aid the healing process and help to keep the teeth strong.

Macaroni and cheese make a great option for a meal.

Soft fruits

Bananas, peaches, nectarines, melons, and all berries are a good choices.

Avoid Hard Food

Oatmeal, soft cereals, soft bread, rice, grits, or mashed potatoes can make a great meal option.

More Water

Staying hydrated is very important for your immune system and overall health and water does the best job in this respect.


Broccoli, carrots and squash can be had, cooked, or steamed.

Couscous and Quinoa

They are a great option for a soft meal that is not too hard on your implants.

In case you are diabetic, make a point to check your glucose frequently. Maintaining regular eating habits and keeping track of glucose levels is extremely crucial to avoiding diabetic-related complications and to prevent infection.

Importance of Protein

Extremely essential during the healing process, protein is essential to build and repair tissues impacted by dental implant surgery.

Protein also helps the body fight infection. You must eat more protein than you normally consume while recovering from the surgery so that the body’s healing abilities are boosted.

Keep your protein intake high with soft foods by adding protein powder, avocado, or peanut butter to smoothies, cooking up some protein-packed eggs or beans, and eating some soft dairy products like yogurt that are super soft and rich in protein.

Points to Remember

Patients usually do not have much of an appetite after undergoing oral surgery and sometimes are nervous and anxious as they are concerned about the pain or damage it may cause to the mouth. 

Dr. Gaurav Sharma at Kirkland Premier Dentistry says that it is understandable but it is very important to give the body the energy it needs to heal while you recover.

Dr. Sharma makes sure that the patients’ mouths can tolerate food, and they do not need to worry about causing damage to the treated area by eating as long as they adhere to a soft-food diet.

A medication is given to ease discomfort, and many of the patients actually enjoy the comforting feeling of soft, cold foods on their delicate gums.

Following a soft dental implant recovery diet in the weeks following the procedure is very important to allow complete and proper healing of the implants.

Dental implants are a gateway to leading a perfectly normal life and eating the food of your choice.

Just keep these few points in mind and you will smile with confidence throughout your life! For any kind of dental emergency, feel free to contact us online or call the office.

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